Turning 65 means something different now days. Its a new world to many. Mail starts filling up your mailbox, your phone starts ringing more than it ever has. You start noticing more TV ads directing towards you. How should you respond to all this new information? Should you reply to pieces of mail, or should you answer every phone call from an unknown number?

There’s No Need for an Alarm Clock
The fact that you don’t have to set your alarm clock every night is perhaps the finest part about reaching 65. You can sleep in as late as you want once you retire, and you may stay up as late as you want. However, for excellent health, it’s always a good idea to stick to a regular sleeping routine.
Spending Time with Family
After spending much of your life in the rat race, spending time with your family is a tremendous reward. You may choose how you wish to spend your days and live your life. If you want to spend as much time as possible with your children and grandkids, you might volunteer to be the after-school caretaker.
This will allow you to spend more time with your grandkids while also reducing the amount of money your children spend on daycare. Before you offer, be sure it’s a commitment you want to make and can keep.
Discounts for Purchases
You might be able to earn a discount on your next meal at a restaurant or shopping purchase if you’re ready to reveal your age. Many exhibitions, museums, and entertainment options provide discounted entry to those above the age of a specified age.
Travelers 65 and older are entitled to a 10% discount on select Amtrak prices, which is an example of a good deal. In addition, citizens and permanent residents aged 62 and above can purchase a lifetime senior pass to over 2,000 federal recreation locations from the National Park Service for only $80 in-person ($90 online or by mail).
Join the American Association of Retired Persons
AARP arranges discounts for members, who can join as early as 50 years old, enabling you to take advantage of senior discounts sooner. Discounts on basics like food and clothes are occasionally offered. Not all senior citizen discounts are advertised, and some are only available to individuals who ask for them and provide evidence of age.
Tax Deductions
A variety of extra tax benefits are available to those over the age of 65. The standard deduction for senior persons is higher than for younger taxpayers. The standard deduction is enhanced by $1,350 for each partner who is 65 or older, or $2,700 if both members of a married pair meet the age requirement.
Health Insurance at an Affordable Price
Retirees don’t have to worry about finding a job that offers health insurance or about the often high out-of-pocket expenses of health insurance policies purchased through state-run exchanges. You can enroll in Medicare after you reach the age of 65. Even though health insurance is affordable, it is always good to practice good financial planning etiquette.